Mapping the Canon

manifestA has undertaken an ongoing mapping project to record and analyze the canonical projects taught within the school. The first iteration of this project presented here was developed with input from faculty across departments, and this visualization tool will continue to evolve as more sites and categorizations of data are added. We hope to make this information useful in efforts to analyze and address possible gaps in current curriculum. 

Click HERE to view and explore a larger version of the map.

The data currently displayed via GIS mapping interface was compiled from recently taught syllabi from across the departments of Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Urban and Environmental Planning and Architectural History. Each project point includes data about the location and date of the project, specifics about the attributed designer(s), and information situating these projects within the required and elective curriculum of the various departments of the School of Architecture that can also be used to sort the projects into relevant layers on the maps. This is just the start of what hopes to be a robust exploration of this information. There are many more projects we have yet to map, and we also hope to extend this research to theory based syllabus content in the near future. 

 Are we missing an impactful case study you have researched for a course at UVA?

Please add your contribution by clicking the tile and filling out the form. We will continue to update the map as projects are added!

We are currently working to update this map in accordance with 2023 classes!