Black History Month Library
general history on race in the American context covering wide range of topics/authors/themes organized via folders including PDF's
general history on race in the American context covering wide range of topics/authors/themes organized via folders including PDF's
Dirt Open Access Anti-Racist Reading Resources
extensive collection of Open Access and PDF's of anti-racist reading materials
extensive collection of Open Access and PDF's of anti-racist reading materials
Mental Health Issues Facing the Black Community
resource guide outline correlations between
mental health outcomes and the effects of racism
on the black community as a amjor public
health issue
resource guide outline correlations between
mental health outcomes and the effects of racism
on the black community as a amjor public
health issue
UVA Diversity Resources
The University of Virginia’s Division for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DDEI) has compiled information about a broad range of diversity, equity, inclusion, civil rights, and anti-racist learning resources, recommended by members of the UVA community. While not an exhaustive list of all the potential learning resources that may be available to you, the information below provides a wide range of ways to learn about histories, ideas, strategies, and skills that contribute to building our collective capacity for inclusive excellence.
UVA Multicultural Student Services Anti-Racism Resource Guide
Multicultural Student Services has compiled a wide variety of social justice and anti-racism learning materials. The following database of anti-racist educational material, although not exhaustive, includes a diverse array of media to engage with - from books to podcasts to webinars to community specific resources, please utilize this space to explore and expand your knowledge regarding anti-racism.
Multicultural Student Services has compiled a wide variety of social justice and anti-racism learning materials. The following database of anti-racist educational material, although not exhaustive, includes a diverse array of media to engage with - from books to podcasts to webinars to community specific resources, please utilize this space to explore and expand your knowledge regarding anti-racism.